- L. Bläser. Modern Runtime System and Compiler Design. ISBN 978-3-033-08044-7. Book, Independently Published, January 2021
- C. Amrein and L. Bläser. A Refactoring Tool for the Safe Parallelization of Array-Centric For-Loops. Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Baiersbronn, Germany, Sep. 2019
- L. Bläser. Practical Detection of Concurrency Issues at Coding Time. International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, In ACM Digital Library, July 2018
- M. Reiser and L. Bläser. Accelerate JavaScript Applications by Cross-Compiling to WebAssembly. VMIL 2017 Workshop at Splash 2017, Vancouver, Canada, In ACM Digital Library, Oct. 2017.
- P. Kramer, D. Egloff, and L. Bläser. The Alea Reactive Dataflow System for GPU Parallelization. HLGPU 2016 Workshop, Hipeac 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
- L. Bläser, D. Egloff, P. Kramer et al. Alea Reactive Dataflow: GPU Parallelization Made Simple. Republication: Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS) 2015, Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Austria, Oct. 2015.
- L. Bläser. Task Parallelization as a Service: A Runtime System for Automatic Shared Task Distribution. Eight Workshop on Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG-2015) at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jan. 2015.
- L. Bläser, D. Egloff, P. Kramer et al. Alea Reactive Dataflow: GPU Parallelization Made Simple. Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS'14) at SPLASH 2014, Portland, OR, USA, Oct. 2014.
- L. Bläser. Composita: Bringing Order to Agent Communications. Intl. Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control (AGERE14) at SPLASH 2014, Portland, OR, USA, Oct. 2014.
- L. Bläser. .NET Task Parallelization in the Cloud: Runtime Support for Seamless Distribution of Shared Memory Parallel Tasks. 4th Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures (SMFA'14) at Eurosys 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.
- L. Bläser and J. Gutknecht. COMPOSITA: A Study in Runtime Architecture for Massively Parallel Systems. Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Wittenberg, Germany, Oct. 2013.
- L. Bläser. A Component Language for Pointer-Free Concurrent Programming and its Application to Simulation. ETH Diss. 17480, ETH Zürich, Nov. 2007.
- L. Bläser. Persistent Oberon: A Programming Language with Integrated Persistence. Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS) 2007, Singapore, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Oct. 2007.
- L. Bläser. How Can We Liberate Ourselves From Pointers? Intl. Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA) 2007, Montreal, CA, In OOPSLA 2007 Companion, Oct. 2007.
- L. Bläser. A High-Performance Operating System for Structured Concurrent Programs. Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS) 2007, Stevenson WA, USA, In ACM Digital Library, Oct. 2007.
- L. Bläser. A Component-Oriented Language for Pointer-Free Parallel Programming. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS) 2007, Timmendorfer Strand, Germany, Technical Report, University of Lübeck, Oct. 2007.
- L. Bläser. A Programming Language with Natural Persistence. Intl. Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA) 2006, Portland OR, USA, In OOPSLA 2006 Companion, Oct. 2006.
- L. Bläser. A Component Language for Structured Parallel Programming. Joint Modular Languages Conference (JMLC) 2006, Oxford, UK, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4228, Springer, Sept. 2006.
- Sep. 2021 Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Parallel Helper: Detecting Concurrency Bug Patterns. Kiel, Germany
- Sep. 2019 Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Fast and Precise Detection of Data Races at Development Time. Baiersbronn, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser).
- Sep. 2019 Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), A Refactoring Tool for the Safe Parallization of Array-Centric For-Loops. Baiersbronn, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by C. Amrein).
- July 2018 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Practical Detection of Concurrency Issues at Coding Time.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser).
- July 2018 Workshop on Introspective Systems for Automatically Generating Tests (ISAGT) 2018 at ECOOP 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Checking Non-Deterministic Behavior in Unit Tests.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser).
- Mar. 2018 Parallel 2018 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany. Parallel without Locks: What applies to .NET and what to Java?
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Mar. 2017 Parallel 2017 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany. Fighting Concurrency Errors in C#.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Feb. 2017 Multicore@Siemens Conference, Nuremberg, Germany. Parallel Code Smells: A Top 10 List.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Jan. 2017 OOP 2017 Conference, Munich, Germany. Parallel Code Smells: A Top 10 List.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Apr. 2016 Parallel 2016 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Jan. 2016 HLGPU Workshop, Hipeac 2016 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Presentation. (Talk by P. Kramer.)
- Oct. 2015 Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Austria.
Presentation. (Talk by P. Kramer.)
- Apr. 2015 Parallel 2015 Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Mar. 2015 GTC 2015, GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA, USA.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser and P. Kramer.)
- Feb. 2015 Multicore@Siemens Conference, Nuremberg, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Jan. 2015 Eight Workshop on Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG-2015) at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Oct. 2014 Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS'14) at SPLASH 2014, Portland, OR, USA.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Oct. 2014 Intl. Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control (AGERE14) at SPLASH 2014, Portland, OR, USA.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Sep. 2014 F# Users Meetup, Zurich.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- May 2014 Parallel 2014 Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany (2 talks and 1 tutorial).
Presentation (Talk 1).
Presentation (Talk 2). (Talks by L. Bläser.)
- Apr. 2014 Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures (SMFA'14) at Eurosys 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Oct. 2013 Colloquium, Varian Medical Systems, Baden, Switzerland.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Oct. 2013 Kolloquium für Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Wittenberg, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- May 2013 Parallel 2013 Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany (2 talks).
Presentation (Talk 1).
Presentation (Talk 2). (Talks by L. Bläser.)
- Apr. 2013 ETH Zurich, Seminar of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation, Zurich.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Jan. 2009 TU Darmstadt, Department of Computer Science, Darmstadt, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Sep. 2008 Microsoft Research and Microsoft Development CSA, Redmond WA, USA (2 talks).
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Jun. 2008 TU Berlin, Seminar for Traffic Simulation, Berlin, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Nov. 2007 Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS), Singapore.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Oct. 2007 Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS), Stevenson, WA, USA.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Oct. 2007 Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS), Timmendorfer Strand, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- May 2007 TU Berlin, Seminar for Traffic Simulation, Berlin, Germany.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Sep. 2006 Joint Modular Languages Conference (JMLC), Oxford, England, UK.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Sep. 2005 Lightning Talk, International Conference on Object-Oriented Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), San Diego, CA, USA.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
- Jun. 2004 International Oberon Day, Basel, Switzerland.
Presentation. (Talk by L. Bläser.)
Program Committee Activities
- Parallel 2019 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, February 2019.
- 23th SI-SE Fachtagung, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2018.
- Parallel 2018 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2018.
- ITG Fachtagung, Fehraltdorf, Switzerland, November 2017
- 22th SI-SE Fachtagung, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2017
- Parallel 2017 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2017.
- ITG Fachtagung, Fehraltdorf, Switzerland, November 2016.
- 16th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications, Toulouse, France, July 2016.
- 21st SI-SE Fachtagung, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2016.
- Parallel 2016 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2016.
- Parallel 2015 Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2015.
- Parallel 2014 Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2014.
Other Service
- President, SI-SE: Software Engineering Special Interest Group, Swiss Informatics Society (SI), 2019 - 2022. Executive Board since 2015.
- Swiss ICT Master Commission (Fachgruppenkommission), Representative of FHO University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (HSR Rapperswil, FH St. Gallen, NTB Buchs, HTW Chur), 2017 - 2019.